Today there are more and more computer users who are choosing to save the important electronic data from their laptop or netbook onto Solid State Drives in preference to standard traditional hard disk drive units. And to be honest this really isn't much of a surprise. These advanced SSD drives are much more efficient and durable in use.

But not many of us, even though we use computers every day, actually know how these new storage devices work! And how many of us know just how quickly this new technology for computer storage is improving?

Because these new solid state devices are not like the hard drives we are used to and do not rely on any moving parts at all they are not as likely to be damaged very easily. This new robustness will provide you with extra protection to your important data and photo images that all of us keep on our computers a lot of the time.

Up until earlier this year most new ssd drives were purchased as an exact replacement for a standard hard disk drive that still exist in most of today's personal computers. The main market for these types of disk replacement has been for notebook computers.

For all of us computer users who really do not understand the basics of how a solid state drive works then it is a good idea to have a quick look at the main features and benefits that this new technology now provides. Most solid state drives typically are provided in just three different sizes. They come in 1.8, 2.5 and 3.5 inches versions. Each size is small and compact enough to be installed in the smaller and thinner types of computers, such as netbooks, which are becoming very popular today.

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