As is well known, at the beginning of installing a brand new hard disk for our computer, the new disk can not be used to store data unless we format and partition it. Therefore, partitioning the hard disk is the thing every computer user will do. However, to keep reasonable partition, we must perform necessary partition management. Compared with original Windows operating systems, Windows 7 makes it much easy to manage disk partition on Windows 7 because this operating system makes a lot of improvement. However, although we can manage disk partition Windows 7 more conveniently with system disk management tool, it is inevitable for us to meet data loss resulting from unreasonable or mistaken operations. More unfortunately, the loss of important data is commonly seen. After important data on Windows 7 disk partition are lost, what we think about first is how to recover these important data. Actually, it is easy to recover these lost data on disk partition under Windows 7, and what we need is just a piece of excellent data recovery software. Among so much data recovery software, MiniTool Power Data Recovery is the best one. With this software, we can recover lost data easily and quickly no matter what kinds of mistaken operations we perform on Windows 7 disk partition. 

Although data loss of disk partition Windows 7 is commonly seen, factors resulting in data loss may be different. If we want to recover data lost from Windows 7 disk partition quickly and completely, we must select corresponding method according to different situations. In fact, there are many factors leading to data loss on Windows 7 disk partition, and the commonly seen factors are mistaken data deletion, mistaken partition deletion and mistaken partition formatting. Considering these factors, we had better select a piece of professional data recovery software with all-sided functions. With such a kind of data recovery software, we can operate Windows 7 hard disk partition and important partition data reliably without worrying about the loss of important data. 

As we all know, there are much data recovery software designed for Windows operating system. However, it is not easy to find a piece of data recovery software with all-sided functions, because most data recovery software can only recover lost data under simple situations, such as deleting data mistakenly. Therefore, these kinds of data recovery software can not meet our daily recovery demands. At this time, professional data recovery software with all-sided functions is suggested, and MiniTool Power Data Recovery is the best one. Visit the official website http://www.powerdatarecovery.com/ to download it, and then install it on our computer.

The main interface shows us 5 functional modules of this data recovery software. Among these modules, "Undelete Recovery", "Damaged Partition Recovery", "Lost Partition Recovery", and "Digital Media Recovery" can help us recover different kinds of lost data on disk partition Windows 7 quickly and completely. 

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