If you are Windows Server 2008 users, a common problem you may encounter is resizing Windows partitions. Although Windows Server 2008 has its own built-in disk managing functions, can you rely on it? The answer is no. According to Microsoft, Windows Server 2008 claims to be able to manage partitions, however, no data security ensured. If you rely on it, you are at a risk of data loss.

So you need a professional server partition manager.

Partition Wizard Server Edition is such a professional partition manager for servers. Partition Wizard Server Edition is what we consider to be the best choice to resize partitions under Windows Server 2008.

You can do it very easily from its user-friendly interface.

1. Launch the software and you will see its main interface.

2. Select the partition you want to resize.
3. Then click the button Move/Resize and you will see a pop-up dialogue box like below:
4. Put your mouse pointer onto arrow on the left side and a handle comes out. You can resize the partition by dragging the handle or input the number below.
5. Click OK and finish the partition resizing of Windows Server 2008 

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